You are a Rockstar doing all the things but...
A dribble of pee slips out when you laugh, exercise, and forget it if you have to cough
You feel pressure in your pelvis constantly since having a baby
Deal with hip or low back pain just standing or sitting on the couch
Experience pressure in the pelvis when standing, lifting your kids or walking
Eliminated your sex life because pain, discomfort or dryness
Struggling to regain your with abdominal strength after baby or surgery
Moving through perimenopause and feel like your body is changing "down there" without explanation

But, when it comes to your your pelvic health...
You already know your pelvic health is more than just kegel things which is why you are here.
You may still be experiencing frustration trying to figure out what’s going on “down there" and how best to care for yourself.
You do not have to do it on your own-
We specialize in only pelvic health for women across the lifespan. We talk all things pee, poop, intimacy, fertility, pregnancy, menopause and beyond!

With the first appointment I noticed a dramatic difference in the size of my abdomen which has refused to deflate after my birth. I wasn't expecting much and even made an appointment with another PT which was covered by my insurance. After meeting Dr. Amanda, I canceled my backup appointment from the parking lot. I know I have a long road to recovery but I have so much confidence in the knowledge and care provided that for the first time in nearly a year, I've regained hope that I don't have to live like this forever!