STart your
Pelvic Healing
We know how much bravery it takes to reach out when you need help “down there”.
But for clarity’s sake, we’re talking about your abdomen, vulva, vagina, rectum, bladder, bowels, and all the other parts between.
These parts of our bodies help us lead healthy lives, but sometimes our bladder, bowels, sexual function and every day life is challenged by childbirth, injury, hormonal changes and everyday stressors that feel out of our control.
Now is the time for you
Request an consultation and our Care Team Specialist will call you back within 1 business day! We cannot wait to welcome you to the Breathe Life family.
The Breathe Life Experience
Not all pelvic therapy or pelvic floor therapists are created equal. We specialize in only pelvic health for women across the lifespan. We talk all things pee, poop, intimacy, fertility, pregnancy, menopause and beyond!
Time is Precious
All visits are 1:1 with your therapists for 55 minutes. We take the time to hear your story and share about your body's health to help you understand your pelvic health journey. Never leaving you with a one page handout or a half-hearted visit.
Cozy Environment
Your care is provided in a spa-like environment with warm tables and comfortable linens, never in a cold medical or or gym like setting.
Innovative Care
Innovative treatment unique to you combining intuition, hands on techniques, breathwork and movement for a unique philosophy focused on you, not just kegels or endless repetitions of exercises or stretching